Notice here how the setup is simple, nothing too fancy.
For example, here we are REPLACING the habit of pouring a wine when getting home from work, as discussed in the playbook.
The ANCHOR is the already embedded habit of arriving home at a certain time, then immediately pouring a wine to drink, in the kitchen.
The VISUAL SIGNAL is the message on the mini whiteboard:
BUT, this above example is not as strong as it could be.
Ideally, we ALSO want the physical object or symbol of it AS WELL AS the Anchor and the mini whiteboard AS WELL AS the Calendar app Reminders e.g.
This makes the likelihood of success much greater and notice how the whole setup is in a very, very obvious place.
Too obvious to be missed, that’s CRITICAL!
‘Out of sight’ means ‘out of mind’ for any new habit creation.
Let’s look at another example where we are trying to get into the habit of taking a vitamin pill before dinner (the same process can apply to almost any new habit):
Again here, the setup could be stronger e.g.
And if the habit that you are trying to add involves something abstract, like:
– writing poetry
– planning your will
– creating a screenplay
– validating new business ideas, or,
– organizing a vacation
then make an A4 color mockup in Word or Powerpoint of that thing to sit BESIDE your mini whiteboard to constantly remind you – a free plan at is perfect for this too.